"Hey there! I was wondering if you had any good solutions for really, really deep pimples that stay a long time (and often scar). Do you have any tips for getting rid of them fast and preventing any coming on?
First of all I am going to link a video from one of my favourite Youtube Beauty Guru on how he got rid of his severe acne. Click HERE to watch his video. He also suffered badly from acne but now his skin looks so perfect. Maybe this can help.
What I suggest:
1) To cure these type of acne, first use something that can get rid of bacteria and is inflammatory. For this I suggest tea tree oil. It is really good for skin. I actually use Tea Tree Water from Lush. Its 100% natural and it does prevent acne for me.2) Do NOT use harsh exfoliators with beads that can break your skin. You can use gentle natural exfoliators. Read my post HERE to make your own gentle exfoliator from oats for acne prone skin.

3) Use gentle cleansers such as Cetaphil's Gentle Skin Cleanser. Or for a natural approach, read my post HERE to make a face mask that is a cleanser, moisturiser and toner all in one.
4) If you have a really oily skin, then don't moisturise it. I know lots of people still would suggest moisturising skin but I didn't and so I have clear skin now. Your skin already has so much oil and on top of that you are adding more
So now you have chosen your natural toner, exfoliator and cleanser. If you follow this skin routine everyday, I am pretty sure your acne will be cured. My skin care routine is somewhat like this too and my skin is in a good condition.
"Everything has a beauty but not everyone sees it."
Give it a try, you have got nothing to lose. Take Care.
Love Krishna xxx
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with the title DIY: Get rid of and Prevent Acne. You can bookmark this page URL http://chrisinha-belezaestilo.blogspot.com/2012/06/diy-get-rid-of-and-prevent-acne.html. Thanks!
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